The Air New Zealand Fairy waves her wand and grants one wish a
day on Twitter - big or small, fingers crossed she can help me get
my bicycle 'Meg' home.
Here's my wish @AirNZFairy...
I'm a kiwi gal on a global cycling adventure and what makes it
unique is that for the last 7 months I've been letting people vote
where I go and what I do via social media.
I am currently in San Francisco and due to fly to Australia with
Air NZ on Friday 17th of March.
To help keep the wheels turning on my pick-a-path adventure
will @AirNZFairy waive the excess baggage fee
for sending my bicycle 'Meg' home?
in return for this kind gesture I can blog, tweet and facebook
about my favourite airline. (I've had 24,000 travel-loving people
visit my site in 7 months) and post some photos of me wearing my
Indiana June cycle shirt with the Air NZ check-in crew and flight
I know fairies are busy flitting from one good deed to another but
I look forward to hearing from you and your wand, in the meantime
have a nosey around my website to find out about the 3 continents
and 11 countries I've cycled in so far.
Happy travels!