On my round-the-world, pick-a-path adventure the top 3 questions I get asked are:
1. "How much does your bike cost?" (About $1000)
2. "Do you get scared traveling alone?" (Very rarely)
3. "What's the most amazing place you've visited?"
The first two are easy to answer but the third takes some fun flashbacking to cycling along French canals, taming crocodiles and hiking deep in the Colombian Jungle. But the truth is, nothing compares to the eye-popping natural wonderworld that is the Galapagos Islands.
Snorkeling with teenage seals, hiking the perimeter of a volcano crater and witnessing freaks of nature at every turn put this trip at the top of my list.
I randomly came across the coolest kiwi guys who run 6-10 day trips out to the islands 1000km off the Ecuador coast and only work with local guides. Since visiting I've recommended the same trip to more than a dozen people, in fact I've had so many requests for information that I though it was time to write a blog post about how you can enjoy a similar experience.
I've teamed up with OutTrippin, who help travel bloggers to convert their most wickedly awesome travel experiences into bookable trips. I'm all for sharing the travel-love and this helps people who want to get off the beaten track find authentic and local experiences.