This decision was a little whackier than the normal
destination polls I post, this time y'all voted I build a
sandcastle on the beach and sleep in it for the night. So here's my
6 step tutorial for sleeping in a sandcastle…
Step 1: Find the right tools
I bought this quality plastic spade from a vendor in Sant Cyprien
on the French Mediterranean Coast. Not only is it colour
coordinated with my Indiana June bags and cycling kit, it's
reinforced plastic. Perfect for sleeping sand castle building.

Step 2: Find a beach
We didn't leave Perpignan until 2pm today which meant it was
getting late when we pulled up at Argeles Sur Mer beach, we only
had about an hour of daylight left so we rolled up our sleeves and
got into building mode.

Step 3: Start digging
My first piece of advice is NOT to try and build a sandcastle out
of shingle. Unfortunately that was all we had to work with so I dug
my little heart out. It seems I'm stronger than the average child,
as after 20 minutes of shoveling shingle the spade started to

Step 4: Build a moat
We were 99% sure we were above the high tide line but just in case
we built a moat around our chateau to keep the tide and the vikings
out. I would have liked a trap door but sunlight minutes were
quickly dwindling.

Step 5: Decorate your castle
Ok, so after a dozen or so shingle-slides we realised the walls
couldn't go any higher so we turned our attention to decorating our
new abode. Stones and reeds from beach became our funky

Step 6: Sleep
The one benefit of shingle sleeping is that you can wriggle
yourself into a super comfy spot that matches your body shape in
seconds. We watched the orange moon rise, drinking apple cider and
eating dark chocolate and awoke to a sunrise over the water - the
most wonderful alarm clock in the world.