One of the most common questions I'm asked when I meet someone
here is: De donde es? (Where are you from?) To which I
reply: Soy de Nueva Zelandia and normally their face
lights up and the next word they say is: Rugby!! Well
rugby is to New Zealand what Polo is to Argentina. They are the
best polo players in the universe and their national team has not
lost a championship since... wait for it... 1932.
Traditionally, polo is practised on the family
estancias (ranches) all over the country. So you can
imagine my excitement when I was invited out to Argentina Polo Day at "El Camino", a 20 acre
farm located in Pilar (Buenos Aires Province) last Wednesday to
learn to play polo.

On arrival, I meet Ruben, a friendly and polo-passionate
character who looks like he's just stepped out of a Ralph Lauren
advertisement. The first thing he put in my hand after shaking it
was a glass of Malbec Argentine wine and then an empanada, freshly
from the coal fire bbq. He explained the format of the day, firstly
a snack and refreshment, followed by watching an exhibition polo
game and then anasado (traditional Argentine bbq) for
lunch and finally it would be our turn to get on a horse and whack

A speedy polo summary:
As we sat on a shady spot on the side of the pitch, one of the
English speaking hosts, Rosie explained the rules to me. Imagine
playing hockey on horseback and you've got a pretty good picture of
what polo is like. But it's much harder than hockey because there's
no goalie and only three or four players per team. Plus
there's the fact you're trying to convince a four-legged animal to
chase a ball and risk a mallet in the head for their efforts. (Even
the horses wear shinguards.) The outdoor polo field is 274 metres
long and 182 metres wide, the largest field in organised sport. The
game I watched involved three people per team team and four
periods, called chukkers of ten minutes each. They have to swap the
horse every chukker so that means for six people you need 24
horses, no wonder it's a game for the rich and famous! Players are
given handicaps like in Golf and they range from -3 (beginner) to
10 (pro). Some Argentine businessmen work full time jobs in Buenos
Aires and then escape to the club on their lunch break, spend an
hour in the saddle, before speeding back to the city before the
markets close.
Argentina is considered the polo capital of the world with
20,000 registered polo players, more than ten times the number in
the US and UK. As a player, skill is only a small part of the game
as the horse does all of the leg-work. The importance of the horses
is reflected in the money and time invested in them. Any
polista (player) who owns his own horses, employs a series
of petiseros (grooms) to take care of the horses 24/7. In
Argentina there are more than 100,000 grooms who specifically care
for horses.
I was at 'El Camino' with a lovely French family on their
holidays and while it was their first time playing polo, they have
horses back home that they regularly ride. Watching the players
hurtling towards each other, mallet weapons flying, I began
wondering if playing the dangerous sport of polo would be covered
by my travel and health insurance!? My fear was sidetracked by a
delicious asado of barbecued ribs, chorizo sausage, salad,
slow-roasted veges and of course, Malbec vino. It's a beautiful
outdoor dining setting and after a leisurely lunch we kitted up for
the game ahead.

The French family and I lined up for a team photo, leaning on
our bamboo mallets and the next thing I knew I had mounted a horse
and was on the field. We started with some stick-and-ball where you
repeatedly practice trying to hit the ball along the ground. The
coordination necessary to get your horse at the right distance from
a moving target, leaning down, making contact with ball and not
falling off the horse is quite immense. However after 10 minutes of
gentle hitting (and missing!) the game begun and the groomsmen all
joined in and showed us the ropes and reins of how to play. I'd
like to say I was a pro instantly but like other high-skill sports
like golf or surfing, there's a steep learning curve. However, the
best bit for me was that even as a complete novice I was able to
trot around the place, making occasional ball contact and enjoying
the thrill of the game. The horses are incredibly well trained and
after half an hour I wasn't even thinking about the riding part of
it, just the chasing and hitting.

The Argentina Polo day crew love polo, they live and breathe it
every day and are happy to share their passion and expertise with
novices like me. The food, the exhibition match and the game we
played made me feel a part of their world for a day. But never fear
Meg (my bicycle), I'm not quite ready to swap my two wheels for
four legs just yet!
If you're interested in having an Argentina Polo Day out,
contact Celia and Ruben here.