Check out my little $10 a night bungalow below in Puerto Lopez.
I sat, singing, swinging and typing in my aqua blue hammock chair,
the palm frond roof shielding me from unbearable heat which was a
nice gesture on their part. Whenever we choose a hostal the guys
all end up sharing rooms but being the solo lady of the group, I
get my own. (I also go by the name of princess!) You'd be hard
pressed to find a better spot to chill out.

Walking back to the bungalow I was approached by a guy waving a
I thought it was probably a scam but humoured him anyway.
He wanted to know if I spoke Espanol, 'un poco' I told him and
after a minute or two I was able to translate for a person who
spoke less Spanish than me that he needed to recharge his phone to
call his bank. What a moment, I finally feel like my Spanish is
incrementally improving.
It's the last day of Carnaval celebrations which means a LOT of
foam being shot at you on the streets. Robert and Enrique got
bombed walking to dinner, Robert looks less than impressed!

The stunning sunset made up for the madness and we sat at our
beachfront restaurant, mesmerised until the food was served.

The cycle crew were keen for a rest day but I was like a little
Energizer Bunny after my time off in Emseraldas. I cycled 45km the
next day to the surf town of Montanita and got the road almost to
myself, going up and down through this beautiful national park.

I was swerving all over the place trying to dodge these giant
snails who seemed to be on suicide missions to cross the road. That
reminds me of a joke,
Why did the snail cross the road?
I don't know - but I'll let you know when it gets here!
haha, what a classic.

Montanita was a gringo-hub, with many jaded travellers putting
down roots here, selling jewellery and letting their bug infested
dreadlocks grow. That said, there's a great vibe here, more fresh
fruit than you could shake a stick at and a famous surf break.

I pulled on a rash vest and hit the waves for a surf lesson. I'd
like to say I took to it like a duck to water but it was more like
watching a duck try to snowboard, I was well out of my depth and
nothing came naturally. The surf was short and dumpy which didn't
help for a beginner and I ended up having a tantrum with my
instructor who just kept barking spanish instructions at me from
the beach.

I battled on for another half hour.
I was happy to swallow litres of sea water but not a dribble of
pride to admit I was wrong and ask the instructor for help.
I'm normally such a friendly, relaxed character but the board
brought out my evil side!

Surf lesson abolished, I went for a big walk down the beach and
mural art caught my eye. You'd have to be pretty clever to sneak up
on a fish like that.

With the sound of the waves crashing in the distance and several
different bass lines signalling it's party time I somehow refrained
from hitting the d-floor, opting for some broken sleep instead. A
week here would be perfect to get the hang of hanging ten but
tomorrow I'm off to Bellanita to meet the cycle lads. I I will have
to face my surf-demons again at a later date but for now it's
onward and hopefully not upward on the bicycle.