Ever wondered how long it takes for a coconut to float from the
Carribbean to the coast of Ireland?

Approximately 15-16 months, considerably longer than the 5-6
months it took Indiana June to do the journey in reverse. So I
figure if I set a few coconuts free while I'm here they should be
ready for beach cocktails in Kerry about summer 2013.

After my roadside melt down, I was voted to go trekking in
Colombia then cycling in Ecuador. That meant returning to Buenos
Aires for two nights before flying BA-Lima-Bogota-Santa Marta. I
booked through Orbitz which I don't recommend - on screen it looked
like all flights were with LAN but when I checked in I was
travelling on different services which required me to collect my
luggage and gigantic bike bag and go through the whole security,
check in process again each time. I reinforced my bike bag with
cardboard from a bike box which gave it more rigidity but I was
nervous that when I asked for FRAGILE stickers at EZE airport they
told me they didn't exisit.
I sat next to a 10 year old girl who was a carbon copy of her
mother. We argued for the arm rest but she was relentless, not
letting my larger, older elbow have the advantage. Weirdly, just
before landing they announced they were going to spray us with an
insecticide that was not harmful - well that's good news. I had
visions of noxious gas being pumped into the cabin until we all
stopping wriggling like headless worms, I held my breath for a good
30 seconds but everyone seemed ok so I breathed in and to be
honest, I couldn't even smell it.

I arrived at my hostel in Taganga about 11pm and after being
awake for almost 24 hours I thought I was seeing things when my
friends Jules, Danica and Kara surprised me. (I thought they were
meant to arrive the following day.) We had a great night catching
up and took a moonlit walk down to the beach where a group of
people were playing music and having a sing-a-long. Star gazing and
sipping on a Colombia Gold cerveza, I felt a world away from the
madness of big city BA.
We're staying in the little fishing village, Taganga on the
Carribbean coast for 4 nights and then we are doing a 5 day trek to
Ciudad Perdida (The Lost City).
Here's a little video I made the following day, while sitting on
the beach at Taganga: