uno: Tongue gymanstics and
I arrive at Road2Argentina in Recoleta at 4.30pm for my
first language lesson with Interspanish. The plan is to do a two
week, two hour per day crash-course. The class is just me and
Caitlyn the Canadian plus our flamboyant Costa Rican profesora,
Jahira. It quickly becomes evident that she is only going to speak
to us in Spanish so it's a case of sink, swim or repetir, repetir,

Our first lesson covers the basics of greetings, introductions
and pronunciation (tongue gymnastics). We are given the challenge
of spelling our email address aloud and the other person has to
write it down. Fits of giggles ensue. Who knew even the letters in
the alphabet are all pronounced differently? I walk out after the
two hour class feeling slightly more confident. Now when I get
stuck with nothing to say in a conversation with a local I can at
least start reciting the Spanish alphabet to fill some time. I'm
staying with the Orloff family in their second floor Recoleta
apartment, it's a grand old building and the dining table seats 20.
I'm determined to keep practicing so we can have a proper
conversation that doesn't resort to alphabet songs.
dos: Feminine or masculine?
I came in today, beaming like the teacher's pet because I'd done
my deberes (homework) but the smile was wiped off my face as I
hadn't done quite as well as I expected. The whole
feminine/masucline thing is really boggling my mind... but as long
as I don't get the two confused on the dance floor I'll be OK.
There's one phrase I hear my profesor say a lot: excepción especial. So you get
the hang of a concept and then it all goes belly-up when you come
across one of these instances.

I've started drawing
pictures of the words I'm trying to remember and it seems to help.
I wonder if two weeks will be long enough? Tonight the Orloff's
invited me to a Flamenco show their daughter was dancing in. It was
in an old teatro (theatre) in San Telmo with many types of Spanish
dances. After the show we went back to the apartment and had a
dinner party that began at 11pm with 19 guests. The butler cooked a delcious
Hungarian feast.I feel like I'm in a whole new
tres: Jack or Jill of all trades
Learning a language
is similar to taking up a sport like golf or surfing, you can't be
good at it right away. It's only with disciplined practice that you
master the skill. Dammit, that ends my fantasy of being able speak
like a native in two weeks. Today Jahira taught us about
pronombres personales or personal pronouns. Then we learnt
how to talk about our professions. The idea is that she asks you if
you're a chef and you reply saying 'No, I'm not a
First question:¿Es usted un
mecánico? (Are you a mechanic?) I answer
Un poco. (A little.)
Then she asks: ¿Es usted un deportista (Are you a
sportsperson?) again I
answer Un
She tries again, ¿Es usted un programador de computadoras? (Are you a
computer programmer?) Un poco
question: ¿Es usted un
escritora? (Are you a
writer?) I reply yes, I am a
Confused, she responds that I'm an aprendiz de
todo (jack of all
If wonder how long it will be until I can add fluent
Spanish speaker to my list of
cuatro: Who am I?
We had a new teacher
today, Jani from Peru. The first thing she asked me was ¿Como te llamas? (What is your name?) Seems simple enough but I froze
like a kid caught with a hand in the cookie jar. The first thing I
ever learned I'd hopelessly forgotten. If I forget what my name is
what hope is there for the future? Am I destined to be an Argentine
Jane Doe? Drama queen aside, I picked myself up and by the end of
the class I was able to describe myself as tall, brown-haired and
green eyed. This latest learning could help find me a Spanish
speaking prince who
alto y moreno
y hermoso.
cinco: Weather lady in waiting
I've made it to the final day
of the first week without too much drama and I've discovered a new
learning tool, childrens songs! I've downloaded the full set of
kiddy songs from Mi Guitarri. I can't sing to save myself but I
don't care, the only person I'm offending is the cleaner who looks
in at me occassionally, wondering why I'm singing Una
gota, dos gotas, tres gotas, muchas gotas!. (one raindrop, two
raindrops, three raindrops, many

Crazy as it might
seem it's actually starting to stick. Kids songs combined with my
teacher Jahira's patience and I could be working as a weather woman
on Spanish-speaking TV in no time. If you want to watch these
videos you can subscribe at the youtbue channel here.
Indiana June is taking Spanish classes at InterSpanish language school
in Buenos Aires and staying in a homestay through Road2Argentina. If you would like more info on
classes contact Emily at Road2Argentina.