Hola chicos! If you've been following my pick-a-path adventure, you'll know I've been
voted to pause the cycling and work in
Argentina for a while. It means I get to eat loads of medialunas
and buzz around the awesome city of Buenos Aires on my bicycle Meg.
Plus, I am wearing more hats than I have heads, working as
the marketing director for an exciting internet startup company
called HomeViva
So what's this funny looking youtube video all about
I have applied to be a speaker at the Lean Startup Conference in San Francisco (the
same city you voted I
cycle UP Lombard Street earlier this year) and this is my
submission video.
From traffic on the road, to traffic on my blog, I have lots of
learnings that apply to starting a lean business.
I have fingers and toes crossed, hoping they choose me to get up
on stage and share my unique Indi spin. If you want to give me an
extra push, check out the video and leave a comment. Cheers
A big thank you to Sarah Athanas who filmed and directed my
submission. It was a law-breaking, exhilarating time as we had
whistles blown on us for doing the unthinkable, taking a bicycle
into the rose garden.