Argentinians sure like to bang a drum and I got to see a whole
lot of it today when Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was sworn in as
president for a second term. (She's the first female
politician reelected in Latin America.)

I was in a hurry, trying to find my way to Foto Ruta for a
photography treasure hunt when I hit huge crowds gathered at Plaza
de Mayo. Masses of flag-carrying, drum-banging, chanting supporters
walked in a parade behind the president on what I now understand is
a very historic day.

At the time I thought everyone was doing the peace sign at me,
turns out it's a big V for Victory. It's a pity New Zealand's newly
elected prime minister John
Key didn't get this kind of celebration when he won a few weeks
ago. Here's a video I took of the parade, before I
had any idea what exactly I was witnessing.