I love living in Buenos Aires but sometimes I need a break from
the madness of a place that feels like Spain - but with half the
rules and twice the graffiti. When I have one of these overwhelming
moments I often take a break by watching an American sitcom
Maybe there is subliminal messaging at work but the really
weird thing is that without realising it, I have become the main
character in one of the shows I watch.
In American The new girl, Zooey Deschnael moves in with
three guys, Nick, Schmidt and coach, gate-crashing their man-cave
but bringing a bit of girly sunshine to their lives.

In Argentinan 'The new girl', Indiana June moves in with three guys, Nick,
Kunal and Maxi, gate-crashing their man-cave but bringing a bit of
girly sunshine to their lives.
American new girl's best friend is gorgeous, street-smart Cece
who keeps her grounded, eats chocolate in pajamas and laughs and
cries when needed. Argentinian new girl has Ruth, a woman she met
in the street who has since become her gorgeous street-smart friend
who sits in pajamas, eats chocolate, drinks red wine and laughs and
crys when necessary.

Rather than my current situation being unique, I'm sure a lot of
people in their late 20s and early 30s identify with these
characters. Most of our parents got shacked-up young and went
straight from living with their parents to becoming parents.
Our generation seems to be stretching the space between
adolescence and responsible adulthood as far as the rubber band
will go, knowing that when it snaps there is no going back.
The four of us in my new apartment don't know each other very
well but through Asado Argentinian BBQs and bus driver drinking
games, in just 3 weeks we have become instant family. This is one
of the joys of travelling and living in different cities, where my
extended 'family' just keeps growing.

The knock-on effect of having a new inner circle is that I meet
all of their friends and their friend's friends. Last night we went
to a hackers meetup with speakers from amazing
internet startups, today Kunal and I are visiting Chinatown in
search of spicy chilli, tonight we go to a pop-up dinner party with
strangers and tomorrow I am cycling 65km with Maxi to explore
little towns outside of BA.
The spice of my life is directly influenced by the variety of
people I keep around me.
Maybe I am not doing things in the normal order and timeframe
but my extended family keeps growing and growing. Another show I
have become quite fond of is Modern Family, an entertaining
reminder that I doesn't matter what shape your family unit takes,
only that it works.
I am sure there will come a time when I want 3 kids and a
husband, maybe when that day comes around I will start watching the
Which sitcom does your 'family' most resemble? Cosby show, Two and a half men, Seinfeld … or something else?