Hours cycled: 3
Times I rang my bell: 165
Pot holes I hit: 43
People riding with a potplant on their head:
Right from the moment my breakfast fried egg exploded over my
merino wool cycling gear I knew this wasn't a Sunday I would forget
in a hurry.
With the sticky goo mopped, Meg (my bicycle) and I were on our
way to the giant obelisk in Buenos Aires for Masa Critica or Critical Mass. It is an organized coincidence,
where on the first Sunday of every month cyclists unite and take
over the streets, with the message:
We are not blocking traffic, we are

My friends, Max and Nick were waiting for me and we stood
around, like we were at a hot-wheels car rally checking out the
bikes on show. I was wide-eyed at the array of shapes, sizes, ages,
colours and creativity that can define a cyclist.
The only thing we all shared in common was two wheels and a
will to pedal.
A band cranked out some rock tunes to get us pumped and the
group swelled from dozens to hundreds and possibly even two
thousand people.
We hit the road, wooping, whistling and chanting
BICI, SI, AUTO NO! and I couldn't have
felt happier. Our sheer numbers meant we had reached that critical
mass where we had sufficient people power to advance on cars and
cross the street. The more disgruntled drivers tooted and cursed,
the louder we cheered and rung our little bici bells, the mood was
infectious and giggles and woops escaped my lips as we blocked
street after street.

I met another female cyclist on route, a hippy chick who was
riding a normal bicycle she had converted into a recumbent machine.
Next thing I knew we had swapped bicis, as is the friendly nature
of Masa Critica and I wobbled my way along in a reclined position
for a kilometre or two.

This guy rode with a house plant on his head in place of a
helmet for the entire ride. The event lasted about 5 hours,
starting with the band at 4pm at the Obelisk and finishing at about
9pm with celebratory cervezas.

Masa Critica is a real-life reminder of the physical power of
groups of people who all share a common passion or cause.
Social media has made the gathering of such groups so much
easier and literally anyone can start a movement with tools like twitter and facebook at their fingertips.

A few years ago I started a facebook group called I have odd shaped ears and earphones won't stay in
when I walk. What started as a joke, found its
audience and the next thing I knew complete strangers were joining
my cause and suggesting earphones designed for such an
I get heart from the notion that if I am feeling something,
there is probably someone else out there who is feeling exactly the
same way.
I think it is my role as a digital storytelller to make it
easier for people to connect with other people and brands in a way
that means something to them.
What unique movement would you like to start or be a part