An update from the world's 2nd highest capital city, Quito,
where walking up the street can leave you breathless with heart
palpitations and where 179cm earns you GIANT status. It's kinda
funny to think I've faced so many challenges considering the first
four letters of this city's name.
So what had me contemplating the four letter Q word? Here's a

I flew business class from Cartagena to Quito for the first time
in my life and not only did I board the wrong plane (it was going
to Lima) they also lost my bicycle Meg for 24 hours. After locating
Meg and returning her 24 hours later I found they'd also roughed
her up. It's beyond my fix-it abilities so I'm hoping the mechanic
can bang her back into shape tomorrow.

Apart from the altitude headaches and palpitations I've also
been fighting a chest infection which kept me bed ridden for 3
days. Fresh food has been hard to find so I've taken to drinking
and eating entire coconuts. There's also the distinct possibility I
have some unwanted many-legged freeloaders nesting in my hair...

I've only explored a 6 block radius from my hotel in three days
but I've sat in the plaza and coffee shops observing all the
curious going ons in this town. The bonus of sitting still is
getting to smell and draw the coffee beans and enjoying the
interesting characters I meet during my day.

My Canadian and US cycle buddies arrive in Quito in a few days
so the plan is to have bicycle and body in tip-top condition before
Feb 13th when we cycle out of Quito.